The LA State Constitution Article 1, Section 11

"The right of each citizen to keep and bear arms is fundamental and shall not be infringed. Any restriction on this right shall be subject to strict scrutiny."

Louisiana Carry is a non-profit organization registered with the Louisiana Secretary of State established to educate and raise awareness of the legalities of carrying firearms in the state of Louisiana. Our goal is to educate the public about Louisiana Open Carry and the laws that affect it as well as on handgun carry in general, including concealed, as well as to "normalize" the sight of an armed citizen going about daily business as is legal in the State of Louisiana.

We respect the property rights of business owners. We advise anyone who carries that if they are ever asked to leave an establishment while open carrying, to do so immediately. If asked to, our organization can make contact with the business at a later time and clarify their stance on open carry and pass the word along. We used to maintain a list of "carry safe businesses" but I'm afraid that it is VERY out of date at this time. We will see what we can do as things progress.

We advise those who carry to never to argue with law enforcement or try to educate them about open carry during a law enforcement encounter. If there is an issue, we can make contact with that agency after the fact. We make contact both to file complaints but also register compliments.

We do NOT condone or encourage "viral YouTube Gotcha! videos" of law enforcement encounters. Police officers have enough real work on their plate every day to deal with. We don't set those encounters up, it is bad for our image and carriers in general and we don't need negative attention.

We do not normally open carry long guns. Although we do not disagree with this right, we believe it's counterproductive to our goal when done in the general public. It frightens the uninformed members of the public, and that's not what we set out to do. There is also the issue of muzzle control when carrying a rifle, slung or not.

We are made up of IT professionals, accountants, construction workers, teachers, truck drivers, retirees, military vets, law enforcement, paramedics, business owners, attorneys, customer service reps, and on and on. Regular folks just doing what we do every day, but armed when we legally can be, and if the law needs changing to not infringe on our 2nd Amendment Right to carry, we will do all we can to see that it is corrected to respect our Constition.

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© Copyright, Louisiana Carry Org

Last Modified: = Sunday, 12-Jan-2025 07:51:48 GMT